Ascert partners with several other industry leaders in order to provide our market leading solutions
Barnes International helps companies worldwide improve their chip and magnetic stripe, Smart Card products by providing the fastest, most accurate and reliable test tools on the market. Barnes International's Smart Card Testing & Analysis Tools are all ISO, EMV and GSM accredited and are used worldwide by leading card and ticket developers, manufacturers, personalisers and issuers.
Cashware started in 1990, working especially on developing applications for ATMS and connectivity solutions for banking peripherals, including their integration with different systems and platforms for financial institutions. Their connectivity solutions allow the integration of any type of hardware, covering a wide range of devices from any manufacturer and model: financial printers, cash recyclers, document scanners, fingerprint readers, signature tablets, chip readers, etc. With regards to ATMs, Cashware has developed both “multi-vendor” applications (using XFS and J/XFS), as well as numerous development environments. They have a product for the global simulation of self-service machines with automated testing (ATMirage) and a solution for virtualizing ATM applications (v-cash).
Odyssey Information Services is a nationwide consulting firm dedicated to providing clients with outstanding resources to meet their hiring needs in the area of technology, assessment, management, logistics, and accounting/finance. Odyssey Information Services provides solutions for corporate changes, headcount restrictions, budget pressures, core business changes, staff augmentation and mergers/acquisitions. We partner with our clients in facing today's challenges of business from budget pressure, core business to mergers and acquisitions.
Specializing in HPE Integrity NonStop server software since 1983, XYPRO provides the tools to achieve security compliance in a HPE Integrity NonStop environment. XYGATE security modules include Access Control, User Authentication, Authorization and Password Quality to Automated Compliance and Audit Reporting, Integrity Checking and FIPS Validated Encryption.
We also have our own partnership program for companies that wish to leverage our products to provide their own solutions. Click here to learn more.