EFT INTERCHANGESThe Driver Library includes support for common EFT Interchanges, including:
EFT DEVICESThe Driver Library includes support for common EFT devices, including:
Ascert has extensive experience in building and implementing test solutions within the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) & Card Payments industries using the highly flexible testing engine within its VersaTest™ products. EFT applications that have been tested using VersaTest include ACI's BASE24, eFunds Connex, Mosaic Software's Postilion, Logica's BESS and OpeN/2 from S2 Systems.
VersaTest's fully scripted test engine allows testing of any application or network interfaces that utilize structured message formats, including bit-mapped messages (such as ISO8583) or XML messages (such as IFX and ISO 20022). Testing is achieved by simulating either (or both) of the "client" (initiator of message flows) or the "server" (responder to message flows). Life-Cycle Testing VersaTest is used in all phases of testing of EFT applications, from prototype and development testing, through system and integration testing to stress and volume testing. Once a system is live, VersaTest can be used to automate the regression testing required whenever an application's code, operating system or hardware environment is modified. Extensive Communications and Middleware Support VersaTest manages the communication with the application under test, using either raw methods (such as TCP/IP, X.25 and SNA) or via other middleware and protocols (such as HTTP, SOAP and Websphere MQ series). Within ACI's BASE24 environments, VersaTest can also be run as an XPNET satellite process, enabling the simulation of external networks and interfaces while under the control of BASE24 itself. Standards Support Driver Library packages exist for many common EFT standards, including those shown on this page. Where appropriate these drivers will support the latest EMV encryption standards, with the ARQC and ARPC generated programmatically. Various other encryption and security standards are also supported, for example IS 9797-1 and ANSI X9.19 MAC generation, and triple-DES and RSA encryption algorithms. Additionally, when needed, VersaTest can utilize hardware security moduls (HSMs) such as those supplied by Thales, RACAL or Attalla. Where proprietary message standards are used, new drivers can be readily created by Ascert, the customer or third parties. |